Article Preparation:
1. Formatting: Full papers must be written in English, using font Times New Roman 12, double spaced, with a left margin of 3 cm, and top, right, and bottom margins of 2 cm. Paper size should be A4.
2. Paper Title:
3. Author Identification: Provide author(s) identifications and affiliations, including only the email and phone number of the corresponding author.
4. Abstract: The abstract must not exceed 250 words. It should be single line spaced, left-aligned, without italics, references, or formulae, and must be free of plagiarism. Include at least three to six keywords or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
5. Major Sections: The manuscript should include the following major sections:
- Introduction: Background to the Study
- Statement of the Problem
- Purpose of the Study
- Literature Review (including Theoretical Framework and Empirical Review)
- Hypotheses (or Research Questions or Both)
- Method
- Design
- Participants
- Instruments
- Procedure
- Statistics
- Discussion
- Implications of the Study
- Limitations of the Study
- Recommendations
- References
6. Plagiarism Policy: Submitted manuscripts must not have been submitted or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The acceptable level of plagiarism for the journal is less than 25%.